Page 63 - PAAT_Journal_V1-2019
P. 63

PAAT Journal Vol. 1, No. 1, (June 2019)

                    Figure 1: Public Policy Cycle

                    Source: GeoPolicy: Science and the policy cycle (Connors, S., 2016:1)

                           Not only the speed of public policy cycle needs to be revolved faster to cope with
                    the environmental changes, but the public also demands for higher efficiency and higher

                    effectiveness, as well as higher standard of good governance.  With disruptive technologies,
                    the public are seeking for disruptive measurements of efficiency, effectiveness and degree of
                    governance of the administrations.  The public demands for measurement of public policies

                    and their implementations by the public, no longer by the policy makers.  The measurements
                    are expected to be real-time and not a year later.  The survey for feedback from the public

                    for policy evaluation is outdated, the public is now certainly capable to provide feedback in
                    real-time through mobile facilities including the hand-held. The NPM has become inadequate

                    to respond to the speed of public demands.  Private industry worldwide has been struggling
                    to survive through digital transformation  purposed to  adapt to  the disruptive world

                    environment, so is the public management.

                                                     Research Objectives

                              1.  To understand the historical evolution of public management.
                              2.  To define what the disruptive public management is.

                              3.  To create awareness  to the public and policy makers  of the necessity of
                    disruptive public management.

                              4.  To recommend how Thailand should adopt disruptive public management.

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