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งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓
The Strategic Leadership of Lee Kuan Yew and the Development of Singapore
Jirawat Metsuttirat and Apichat Limmethee
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Email address:
Singapore is a very small country in term of geographic viewpoint and because of
geographic limitation , the country lacks of natural resources. This becomes the critical issue
for the country development , however Lee Kuan Yew can invade this challenge successfully
and Singapore becomes one of the world leader countries. So this is the important issue to
study the ways Lee Kuan Yew practices for the development of his country. The article aims
to analyse the strategic leadership under DuBrin rule with the explaination of Singapore
development. After studying , it reveals that there are 6 important characteristics ; 1) the
leader with excellent potential 2) vision 3) integration of strategy 4) high proficiency policy
such as corruption issue , garden city issue and national culture issue 5) profound
understanding and 6) transmission of leadership from generation to generation
Keyword: Strategic Leadership , Strategic Leader in Public , Singapore Development
87 Assistant Professor Dr.
88 Lecturer