Page 111 - thaipaat_Stou_2563
P. 111

งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓

                       This  article  aims  to  study  the  factors  which  affect  the  implementation
               of bioeconomy policy  in  4  districts  (Sawang Weerawong,  Pibul Mangsaharn, Nayear,
               Warin Chamrap) of Ubon Ratchathani Province. The study employs documentary analysis and
               deep interview as research methods (focus on executives, office workers and cultivators). This

               essay proposes that the contents of bioeconomy policy – objectives, indicators, policy means,
               and responsible agency – are unclear. The result is that the state policy, provincial strategy
               and action plan are inconsistent and ineffective. However, this paper finds that the policy is
               fantastically  continued  because  there  is  cooperation  between  stakeholders.
               Another reason is this policy is related to the former state agricultural policy that activated for
               long time in the areas. Finally, the author would recommend in 6 points: (1) State sectors
               must formulate the clear policy content. (2) State sectors must formulate the regulations and

               guidelines  of  policy  about  chemical  using.  (3)  State  sectors  should  adjust
               the cultivator’s attitude about organic agriculture. (4) In appropriate with the cultivator’s
               potentiality, the state sectors should develop their own roles. (5) State sectors should identify
               their own lesson learned about bioeconomy policy implementation. (6) State sectors should
               learn more about the market of cassava.

               Keywords: bioeconomy policy, organic agriculture, policy implementation
               บทน ำ: เศรษฐกิจชีวภำพ จำกบริบทโลก สู่บริบทกำรก ำหนดนโยบำยเศรษฐกิจชีวภำพของประเทศไทย

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