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งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓

               ค ำส ำคัญ: การพัฒนาการมีส่วนร่วม ปัญหายาเสพติด เทศบาลต าบลห้วยกะปิ

                       About 27 million people are addicted to drug addicts, with only 0.6 percent of people who
               are addicted to drug have access to treatment and more inmates are causing problems in the justice
               process. One sided suppression successful. People Participation Development is very important
               because the people have the knowledge and standing of reasoning in solving problems.The purpose
               of this research were to (1) study the problem condition (2) analyze the factor (3) propose guidelines
               for People Participation Development in drug problem solving in
               Huaykapi Municipality Muang District, Chonburi Province.
                       The research methodology was a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research. The
               population is people living in the area of Huaykapi Municipality Muang District, Chonburi Province,age
               between 20-60 years. There are a total of 7 villages with a total of 9,523 people.  Samples were 383
               people by Taro Yamane with 95 confidence level. The data from all the interview were 7 people. The
               research instruments were questionaires and structure interview statistics used for quantitative analysis
               were  percentage,  mean,  standard  deviation  and  f-  test.  Inductive  data  analysis  method  used  for
               qualitative analysis.
                       The results of the study revealed that (1)The opportunity for people to participate in the
               resolution of drug problems is not enough and through, non-registered population does not cooperate
               as they should. (2)factor affecting the development of People Participation Development in problem
               resolution drug such as the factor of decision making power of people (  = 3.49   cooperation in the
               process of joint decision making (   = 3.52)participation in community activities (  =3.41)participation
               in listening the opinion (  = 3.50) and the participation in giving information (  =3.47   in term of the
               level of development, people participation development in narcotic solving problem was a medium
               level,  including  the  quality  of  decision  making  of  people  in  dealing  with  drug  problems  of  the
               community(   =  3.46) Community  processes  in  solving drug  problems  (   =  3.44)   Creating public
               acceptance  and  participation  (   =  3.34)   and  the  aspect  of  building  relationships  between  local
               administrators and people. (  = 3.46) Hypothesis testing using the f-test with Sig  1 - tailed   equal to
               0.00 is less than 0.05 Therefore, rejecting the HO Hypothesis and confirming the Hypothesis H, it can
               be concluded that the level of People Participation Development in Narcotic Solving Problem in
               Huaykapi Municipality  Muang District,  Chonburi Province is significantly different at 0.05 which is in
               accordance with the hypothesis. (3) The guidelines for the people participation development in narcotic
               solving problem should be to give people the opportunity to express opinions and truly have power to
               make decisions. The decisions made by the people are a joint meeting enjoy consultation to find
               Solutions and prevent drug problems. The municipality is an important organization that promotes
               people participation in drug problems solving in the area, but lacks government support, must listen to
               the public. Is the person who chooses to make the decision,The guidelines and the methods to lead
               the participation in the cutting of the drug problems.

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