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งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓

               ค ำส ำคัญ คุณลักษณะความเป็นพลเมืองประชาธิปไตย, การศึกษานอกระบบและการศึกษาตามอัธยาศัย
                         The Components Characteristics of Democratic Citizenship Promotion
                                         of Non-Formal and Informal Education

                                              Mr.Rattakitt Kittithamrongkul
                                                  Thammasat University
                                            Email address:


                       The purposes of this research were: 1) to analyze the components characteristics of
               democratic citizenship promotion of Non-Formal and Informal Education, 2) to recommend
               the policies for promoting democratic citizenship of Non-Formal and Informal Education. The
               study was conducted on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The samples of
               the study consisted of 7 experts by purposive sampling, and 650 of administrative officials,
               non-formal and informal provincial directors, teaching personnel by the stratified random
               sampling. Qualitative data and quantitative data were collected through in-depth interview,
               and  questionnaires.  The  expected  outcomes  of  the  study  should  be  the  characteristics

               components of civic education based on democratic philosophy regarding to knowledge and
               skills of citizenship, attitude of citizenship, and behavior of citizenship as well as the role of
               non-formal and informal education in promoting civic education for children, youth, adults
               and community.

               6  Prof.Dr.Amporn Tamronglak
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