Page 135 - thaipaat_Stou_2563
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งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓
ค ำส ำคัญ ความเป็นธรรมทางสังคม การเข้าถึงไฟฟ้า สิทธิ พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์แนวใหม่
The (not) Romantic of “Fai Jak Fah” Campaign: The Social Inequity in Policy: The Case
study of Electricity (in)accessibility of Nongtatam subdistrict
Thasita Supatanarungsan
This paper studies the (in) accessibility of electricity in Nongtatam subdistrict, Prachuap
Khiri Khan province applying social equity approach. In general, electrical access has been
considered as right and one of primary public services which state is obligated to provide.
However, the people of Nongtatam subdistrict have been excluded from the service due to
the conflict with Thanarat Military Camp over the land ownership. Unfortunately, as a result
of the administrative court’s judgement, the people were legally excluded from electricity.
Their status as citizen, a right holder, were reduced to transgressor who do not deserve the
public services.
As difficulty continues, the people were pushed to rely on themselves. The innovation
of self-reliant solar energy has been introduced and executed by Nontatam Subdistrict
Administration Organization (SAO) and the locals. In 2019, this project was rewarded “United
Nations Public Service Awards” in Developing effective and responsible public instructions. In
consequence of this credit, Nongtatam bitter-sweet experience has been publicly promoted
as one of the main narrators in “Fai-Jag-Fah” [Energy-from-sky] campaign. In this campaign,
their predicamental situation was commercialized and romanticized. This paper argued that
this romanization depoliticized the problem of electricity (in) accessibility.
21 Lecturer in Department of Government, Faculty of Political Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) E-