Page 37 - thaipaat_Stou_2563
P. 37
งานประชุมวิชาการรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ระดับชาติ ครั้งที่ ๑๐/๒๕๖๓
The study of the author’s attention to International Relations System in the 21
Century. “After the fall of the Soviet conditions in 1991. leading to the end of the Cold War.
Ner World Order announcement of The United State of America And the People’s Republic
of China emerged as a military rival to the United States. In particular, cooperation with Russia
in the founding “Shanghai Cooperation Organization”
The opjectives of the stude are
1) To develop the relationship between China, Russia and the Unted States.
2) Origin, development and structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
3) To analyze the role of the Shangthai Coopetation Organization in combating
the threat of the West.
There are assumptions in the study that the power of the world is scattered like a
complex 3D chess board The top is the Us military authority. The central board is China The
battom is a multinational company
Terrorist group Moving the balance of power to Asia. China and Russia establish
Shanghai Cooperation Organiztion while the US wants to maintain the status. Will cause a new
Cold War.
The study found that the development of relations between China, Russia snd the
United States, China vs. Russia to return friendly by US isolation but all three countries have
economic benefits. Expanding the power of NATO into Eastern Europe And Central Asia It is
the key foctor. China and Russia Collaborate to Extabish Shanghai Cooperation Organization
When combined with the geopolitical advantage of China and Russia.“The Shanghai
Coopernation Organization is an important variable that will bring about a new Cold War.”
Keywords: Cold War Cooperation Organization Shanghai New World Order Balanced of Power